【同义词辨析】 2019-06-04 面容face-physiognomy

face: is the simple, direct, and also the inclusive term: a strikingly handsome ~.

countenance: applies to a face as seen and as revealing a mood, character, or attitude: the benign ~ of my grandmother.

visage: suggests attention to shape and proportions of the face and sometimes to the impressions it gives or the changes in moods it reflects: a penetrating gaze and an aquiline nose gave him a birdlike ~.  aquiline鹰的of an eagle,最常用于形容人的鼻子,叫鹰钩鼻的因为像鹰的弯曲的鸟喙(niǎo huì,beak),想成"爱飞来"来记)  (visage强调印象,或好或坏,如his milky-white innocent visage他白嫩无邪的面孔)

physiognomy: suggests attention to the contours and characteristic expression as indicative of race, temperament, disease, or qualities of mind or character: a youth with the ~ of a warrior.

face脸: 是最简单直接通用的词,countenance面容: 指看到的脸部,能反映心情态度品格等,visage面孔: 强调脸的形状五官等所给人的印象或反映的心情,physiognomy面容: 强调轮廓表情等所展现出的民族性格疾病思想品质

记忆方法: 1)首字母FCVP想成孙悟空或者猴子的脸非常顽皮<==面容

         2)面容的意思是头的前部从额头到下颚mean the front part of the head from forehead to chin.